Connecting you…
Are you looking for a trusted broker to create and tailor a bespoke policy to satisfy your unique business requirements?
You’ve come to the right place.
BLW is independent, owned by its working directors. We recognise the benefits of developing and nurturing enduring relationships with brokers, insurers and direct commercial customers.
We collaborate with carefully selected partners to offer all classes of liability, commercial, property and associated covers, along with sport and leisure insurance and marine insurance. All tailored to our client’s individual needs.
Together... we are connected
Connecting you…
to capacity and expertise
As a registered Lloyd’s broker BLW has direct access to a unique pool of underwriting expertise in the Lloyd’s global marketplace. This enables us to use our specialist knowledge to locate the best underwriters and negotiate the most favourable contractual terms for our customers, bringing world-class support to our network.
Combining our expertise in niche products, sectors and regions allows us to identify and develop innovative insurance products and solutions underwritten by underwriters in the Lloyd’s market and by underwriters at the major composite insurers, all underpinned by our customer-first approach.
Together... we are connected
Connecting you…
to bespoke risk transfer solutions for your challenging risks
BLW specialises in creating bespoke risk transfer solutions for both regional brokers and direct commercial customers. We have access to the markets that will help you to place your most challenging risks.
Read more about the benefits of working with a Lloyd’s registered broker in our recent blog article.
Can we help you to place your challenging risk?
Together... we are connected
Our values
Our core values underpin wherever, whenever and with whomever we do business. We work at PACE.
BLW is forward-thinking and innovative. We have the ability to adapt quickly in times of change. We try new things. We experiment. We continuously strive towards better contractual terms for our customers.
We are an agile business with a responsive, customer-first approach.
BLW is connected…
… to its regional broker network and its direct commercial customers.
… to specialist underwriters in the Lloyd’s market and at the major composite insurers.
… to experienced corporate governance and compliance professionals.
… to a plethora of skilled individuals, networks, companies, associations and communities within the insurance industry, and beyond.
The expertise within our business, combined with our access to specialist underwriters in the Lloyd’s market and at the major composite insurers, enables us to offer independent advice and risk solutions for our customers’ complex insurance arrangements.